The RAC approach to TQM addresses both technical and cultural issues, stressing the importance of "team" in the TQM effort. RAC's approach, which stresses variability reduction, is the key to continuous process improvement.

Data dodania: 2011-12-27

Wyświetleń: 2250

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Głosy dodatnie: 2

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Licencja: Creative Commons

RAC can offer guidance and support for TQM implementation based on its ontinuous improvement strategy (a systematic approach to process improvement).  Teamwork skills are combined with tools such as flow charts, Ishikawa diagrams, 5S checklists , Pareto charts, histograms, scattergrams and control charts to support the overall TQM strategy.

These skills and tools assist both management and staff in supporting the approach. The approach is practical, flexible and designed to meet the customer's needs. RAC offers a complete range of statistical and management consulting guidance and support, training courses, and related products and services such as culture and process assessments, database development, quality information system development, statistical software development, and engineering services. It also provides on-site teaming services to support a variety of improvement efforts.

Standard courses, customdesigned courses and instructor courses are available and can be tailored to specific customer RAC has extensive experience in implementing, and helping government and industry to implement, the principles of TQM, such as (1) preparation of an R&M guidebook for improving acquisition program health indicators (USAF/PLER), (2) providing TQM consulting and training expertise to the government to successfully implement TQM (Federal Quality Institute), (3) the application of statistical TQM tools (Naval Avionics Center) to control process variability, and (4) the tailoring of training courses to reflect the unique needs of an organization (i.e., local college vs. a high-volume manufacturer).

Our staff offers a strong background in the utilization of statistics and management in reliability, maintainability, quality and productivity. RAC also provides on-site and off-site consulting services in all major TQM elements. The RAC staff includes certified Malcolm Baldrige Award and New York State Excelsior Award reviewers, and has published extensively on the topics of TQM application guidelines; TQM as an integral part of the concurrent engineering process; and the practical application of TQM statistical and graphical tools.

Licencja: Creative Commons
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