Poland has become the center of stag parties in Europe. There are thousands of stags that organized in different parts of these beautiful and friendly cities of Poland. If you are planning a stag party, here is some information about this place.

Data dodania: 2010-06-08

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Licencja: Creative Commons

The prices in Poland are twice or thrice cheaper than the prices in England. It has been calculated that for the same cash, you can spend for one night in England; you can have fun for three stag nights in Poland. For instance a drink in a pub in Poland will cost you around 1.30 pounds, a pack of Marlboro costs around 2.20 pounds and meal about 4 pounds.

There are a lot of clubs in Poland that will allow you and your friends to have unrestricted fun. These clubs are also safe and there aren't any brawls that take place. Cities like Lubnin are known for their swinging night life.

The cities in Poland are practically safe and open to outsiders. The police chiefs in these cities assure that there is virtually no crime in these places. However you and your group must lay some guidelines before setting out for the night. If you get tipsy, you have an arrangement and see that you get to your hotel room safely, without any untoward incidents.

The population in Poland is very proud and would not take any drunken slurs. The penalty of acting drunk is severe and one would have to go through a lot of hassle.

To conclude, this are some nights that one remembers for the rest of one's life. These are one of those moments in life that guys treasure. If it is a bachelor party, this is one of those parties that would end your carefree life as young man. These parties are loud and boisterous and there is laughter every 2 seconds, during this time one forgets all the worries and soaks in the moment, wishing that time stay still.

Licencja: Creative Commons
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