You hear that shocking news that you have been expecting to hear for while. Your best friend is about to get married. It is obvious that you are chosen as the best man and have some responsibilities.

Data dodania: 2010-06-04

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Licencja: Creative Commons

 While you friend is tagging along with his fiancé picking the gown and arranging for the wedding. You have to prepare a speech for the reception and the most important event the bachelor's party.

This period needs to be memorable. This  stag party should be as per the interests of your friend. It often assumed that bachelor's parties are meant to have a lot of alcohol, wild night of streaks and dancing girls. However if you groom does not dig this, the whole evening will be pooped and no one will be really be having any fun. You have sit down with the groom and you friends to plan and decide on such an outing that would be fun for all. There many suggestions which people are experimenting today is like a trek, adventure sports like a cross country run etc.

Whichever type of party you decide on, you have to start planning early. Many of these bachelor parties are a 5 - 7 day event. Therefore you have to book tickets early so that you are not left empty handed in the end. Keep in mind the weather conditions of the place, if you go to a place when it is too hot, then none of you would want to venture out of the hotel room.

Invite those people who are enthusiastic and sporting. There are some individuals who pull long faces and do not try anything interesting. They are the ones who prefer spend time indoors. One word of advice do not tag these people along or else your trip will be spoiled.

When comes to footing the bill, the groom takes care of this event completely. However if the groom's finances are not strong, it would be your duty to see that all members chip in. These parties generally cost a lot and it would be unfair for groom to pay for it completely. This would be one moment you would remember for the rest of your life. This event will the final journeys where you set off together as carefree buddies. After the wedding, things would change and you would not find time to catch up. During this trip, the times that you have spent together will flash by and this would plant a smile in your face and a tear in your eye.

Licencja: Creative Commons
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