The text is about the method of learning languages particularly English. I introduced ideas how to develop a language.
This is a topic which will be useful particularly for younger ones or for students who are eager to learn English.

Data dodania: 2009-10-12

Wyświetleń: 2960

Przedrukowań: 0

Głosy dodatnie: 2

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2 Ocena

Licencja: Creative Commons

      A lot of people study languages but a few know a language well. First of all the motivation is the main factor for learning languages. Without motivation it is impossible to develop your knowledge of English or other languages. There are different motivatons of learning as travelling abroad, a chance of better job abroad or other factors as the deamnd of the school system. It does not matter what is the factor for learning. You can learn language quickly a language if you are abroad.A few years ago it was very difficult to learn a language but now it is different because there are a lot of schools with good teachers. Now there are a lot of good books which are divided into Polish books or foreign ones.

     There are lot of myths about learning languages that there are people who are very talented and there are lot of people who are not talented. Most of people from the average society can learn foreign languages if they learn in proper way. What does it mean a proper way?

People are divided into forms of intelligence so some are good at visual things , others are good at auditorial things. The best idea is to check your intelligence in the test: mutinual intelligence.

During learning you have to use your type of intelligence so if you are good as a visul type , you have to read a lot of new words.

Even if you know your type of intelligence , its crucial to develop four skills as reading, writing, speaking or listening. Now in the Internet there are lot of websites which are crucial for the development of your skills  as:,,,

You can watch tv in the Interent as in:, or

read books as in or listen books,

Licencja: Creative Commons
2 Ocena