I would like to present how to be a lawyer in Poland. In this text I would like to present how to a lawyer in Poland. Polish law studies last five years and deals with different branches of law as :the history of the Polish system of government , legal logics.

Data dodania: 2009-11-23

Wyświetleń: 3882

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Głosy dodatnie: 3

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3 Ocena

Licencja: Creative Commons

The first stage of education of lawyers in Poland are the law studies which gives the Master of law , the title which gives a possiblity to continue a job or later studies. Studies cover diferent subjects as the following as : the history of the Polish system of government, legal logics , Latin for lawyers, ethics , rhetorics , Constitutional law, Civil law, Criminal law, Tax law , Employment law, Commercial law , Banking law , Financial law, Administrative law Proceedings, civil proceedings, criminal proceedings.In the first year students have following subjects as : Roman law, Introduction to law, legal logics, the history of the Polish system of government, the history of the state of the world. In the second year students study such subjects as:Constutional Law, Civil law, Criminal law, Administrative Law, International Public Law. In the third year students of law study subjects as the following: Civil Law consisting such parts as Obligation law , Inhertiance law, Family law, Criminal Proceedings, Administrative proceedings, Sociology, the Doctrines. In the fourth year students study as the following subjects as : Agriculture law, Commercial law, Business law, Tax law, Financial law , Emloyment law, Civil proceedings. In the fifth year students study such subjects as : International Private law and Philosophy of law. Students study languages as French, German , English, Italian or Spanish during language lessons. After passing all exams students get the MA title , defending and wring their thesis which you can write in all mentioned subjects. Some students write their MA thesis in Criminal , Commercial , Civil law. There are some students who can select such subjects as Business law or Tax law. In many universities there are also foreign law schools as the British law School , the American law School or German Law School which are conducted with the cooperation with foreign universities as Cambridge or University of Florida. There are also some Spanish Law School or Italian Law School where classes are conducted in foregn languages as Italian , Spanish or French. When I was a law student I took part in the Cambridge Law School which was organised in the copperation with Warsaw University and Cambridge University. During the Cambridge School I took part in different lectures and seminars in the following subjects as : Conract Law, Trust Law,  Tort Law , Intellectual Law , Property Law , Europen Law where I solved cases and I wrote essays and I developed my skills in English and law.

Licencja: Creative Commons
3 Ocena