The principle of communication in project management is simple. A good communication contributes to the success of the project, and a bad one – to its failure.

Data dodania: 2018-06-17

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What a good IT project manager remembers about?

 However, it is not that the more communication the better. Too extensive communication can lead to chaos. So, how to find the happy medium and be a good project manager?

Communication in project management – why does it matter?

It is said (Project Management Institution) that 20% of projects end up with failure because of inefficient communication. For that reason, project managers should spend as many as 90% of their time communicating. Why is it that important? Well, a good communication in project management is an essential condition for the commencement, maintenance and positive completion of every undertaking. Long story short, a good communication transforms into the finalization of the project on time and under the planned budget.

How to be a good IT project manager?

If you work as an IT project manager, you have to face work with a diversified team. It consists of programmers, graphic designers, copywriters, SEO specialists, as well as clients with a differentiated level of technological knowledge. An IT project manager, like any other PM, must remember that people whose work is coordinated must get a clear communication about:

  • project goals/vision,
  • the responsibility of each team member,
  • client’s expectations regarding every aspect of work on the project,
  • feedback,
  • regular project status.

Remember that a good IT project manager is always present and extremely involved. He or she understands both the client's needs as well as the constraints and needs of the team. Also, such person is a kind of psychologist who recognizes feelings that can be key drivers that affect the performance of the project. To summarize, you can identify a good PM by making all team members work as seamless and comfortable as possible.

Communication in project management – 3 tips for an IT project manager

Carrying out any project, remember to:

  • Listen, listen, and listen again. Communication is not only about talking. As you need to understand the needs, doubts, limitations and even frustrations of each side of the team you create, you must be open to observe, listen, and then draw conclusions.
  • Manage the information you get. Project management is about gaining information, but you do not have to share all of it with the world. You should know what information you can pass on, what information you should convert before passing on, and finally, what information you need to keep for yourself.
  • Take care of relationships in the team. To communicate effectively in a team, mutual trust and respect are necessary. A good IT project manager wants to build such a work environment. For this reason, he or she cares for relationships in a team and at the same time builds his or her position as a leader.
Licencja: Creative Commons
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