Poland is one of the most important european countries, when we are talking about IT development and new technologies. It’s one of the fastest growing places, when it comes to video games industry. In many cities there are offices of international IT corporations like Nokia, IBM or Google.

Data dodania: 2019-04-20

Wyświetleń: 1019

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Licencja: Creative Commons

What are the most influencial hackathons in Poland?

With so many new technologies companies in here, there are (of course) tons of developers living here. They are programming in various programming languages and many of them want to try themselves in new challenges. That’s why there is large group of people who are actively participated in hackathons. And oh my God, we have some of the most amazing hackathons over here. Check out the 3 most important ones, that will be taking place this year.


So when it comes to starting, let’s start with something big. The biggest to be frank, because that what HackYeah is - the biggest stationary (that means, that you can’t participate online) hackathon in the world. 2018 edition was taking place in Krakow and almost three thousand developers was struggling with each other for the 400k PLN pool prize!

Subject matter of the last year edition was safety and security. Just for this hackathon there was prepared datasets about car crashes in Krakow. The main goal of all of the participated teams was to create some sort of solutions, that will be strongly increasing the traffic safety in the city. Developers were using such a tools like a data science and data visualisation to draw an insightful conclusions.

For example teams were correlating data about the car crashes and communication incidents and draw them on the map of the city. That way you have prepared set of informations to analyze - the three dimensional viualization of who, when and where has been crushed. That’s only one of the many ideas that teams have been thinking about. Want to get to know more? Come to this year edition!

TIDE Hackathon 2019

Since we were talking about safety issues and ways to actually increase it, the next proposition of polish hackathons is TIDE Hackathon. Is an initiative of United Nation Allied Command Transformation and it’s all about data science and transmission.

This year, the developer teams will be focused on creating new ways of modeling, coding and visualising data. They will be trying to establish more efficient ways of connecting the data and optimizing the time that it actually takes to help out NATO technology. The best projects will be presented and developed more during big Spring 2019 TIDE Spring summit.

Global Legal Hackathon

That might be hard to believe for some people, but not all of the hackathons are about coding and coding only. The third one, that we are talking about today is more focused on legal matters than developing hardcore code.

Global Legal Hackathon is taking place in Warsaw, on the Google campus. It's a one of a kind event, during which project managers, UX designers, developers and lawyers are sitting down together and trying to figure out some sort of solution that will help out people and be on par with legal situation. It’s a world wide event, so best teams from all over the world will be competing with others during grand final in New York.

Licencja: Creative Commons
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