If you think that you extremely need some sophisticated internal PR strategy  for your company, made by a group of professionals, which you don't get it, that means:

Data dodania: 2013-01-22

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Licencja: Creative Commons

a) your company is too big to manage it yourself or b) your company is not too big, but you are following the trend to have some PR strategy. But do you really understand, what for?

Internal PR is, I would say, the most important thing inside your company. Why? Let's see how your company works. You produce something or offer some services. Who is exactly working on it every day? Your team, your workers. The basic workers should be the most important for you, because without them you can't run your business. Quality and number of products is extremely connected with willingness and efforts of your production workers. Only than, marketing and sales team can do their best to sell lot of your products and conquer new markets. Even your accountants will have nothing to do if production stops.

That's why you should take care of internal PR, what means - take care of your workers, to have a good cooperating team whenever you need them. You really don't need to make PR strategy if you have small team and you know all your employees. Just make them happy every day in work place. Take care of their safety. Tell them, that some of rules are made not because you had a brilliant idea, but for their own good. Make their work place comfortable, as far as you can. If they have to listening every day only machine noise, use a radio and give them some music. Try to organize some clean and nice place for having a break, eating lunch.  Let them know better each other - go together clubbing or organize a barbeque. Don't treat them like a disobedient lazy people. Believe that they want to work but they need right conditions. Don't be a strict boss, be rather nice but firm. Remember that they have other activities, families, friends like you have. Respect it. 

And the most important thing - ensure them, that you couldn't get anything in your business without them. Respect them for it. Say them often that you need them. People like hear that they are needed. Don't you think? Tell them that you all are one team and show them, that you work as hard as they do. Motivate them with words "We have to finish it before... We have to get it.. We have to do all our best.. ". Use "We", not "You". Every time you want them to stay longer or working harder, tell them the reason (very important customer is waiting, courier will be here in 2 hours, etc.). Be on their side. Be one of them. They will appreciate it. Don’t forget to say “Thank you”.

As you see, you don't need to use threats and punishments. Your workers are more ambitious and loyal than you think. These simply internal PR steps help you to retain good employees, who think and talk about your company only in positive way!

Licencja: Creative Commons
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