When your company do business mainly in the Internet, and your customers are people who  most of their time spend in the network, company website is something from "must have" category. Create company www is not dificult. You have to remember few things..

Data dodania: 2012-10-05

Wyświetleń: 1467

Przedrukowań: 0

Głosy dodatnie: 2

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2 Ocena

Licencja: Creative Commons

When your company do business mainly in the Internet, and your customers are people who  most of their time spend in the network, company website is something from "must have" category.
Create company www is not dificult. You have to remember few things:

1. Tell your guests, what is this site and why you created it. They should know, that this is no private blog, e-shop or something else. There are lot of strange websites in the network and when you are guest on it, you really have no idea, what you can do there. This is absolutely unacceptable.

2. Give your customer a lot of information about your business, about company team, about your mission, important goals, strategy. Use some pictures to show how look the company building and what people work there. Add informations about important certyficates, diplomas etc. All of that makes your company more trustable in customer's eyes.

3. Don't forget to add all contact information to make contacting with the company easy. Tell, how customer can arrive by car and by public transport. Tell, who usually picks up the phone (and what is the telephone number ofcourse!) and between which hours. Give your e-mail address and links to the sites where is something interesting about your company.

4. Take care about look of your websites: put in order all categories, fix all error sites as soon as possible, take care about good graphic. Put on your sites your business colours - corporate identity is very important element of PR, so don't forget about it also on your website!

Those are only a few short and basic advices, how to start making your company website. Remember, websites like yours there are milion in the network, so you have to stand out. Therefore, before you will start create it, rethink all of your ideas, choose the best and try to do it as good as you can.

Licencja: Creative Commons
2 Ocena