When manufacturing companies run up against capacity problems today, they immediately look to increase overtime, add shifts or purchase new equipment. Instead they should look to optimize the performance of their existing machines to increase equipment reliability, minimize changeover times, improve operator performance, and lower overall downtime.

Data dodania: 2012-03-26

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Licencja: Creative Commons

All these investments can be made to increase capacity and will pay greater dividends by allowing a manufacturing plant to spend its valuable time and money on their manufacturing process instead of new machine purchases. The question is “How can a manufacturing company optimize the performance of their existing equipment?” The answer is Overall equipment Effectiveness (OEE). OEE is an effective tool to benchmark, analyze, and improve your production process. The OEE tool gives you the ability to measure your machines for productivity improvements.
OEE not only measures these inefficiencies but groups them into three categories to help you analyze the machine and have a better understanding of the manufacturing process. Here is a list of common concerns of many manufacturing companies:

• Reducing Bottlenecks – Increase Throughput

• Implementing Machine Operator Training

• Reducing Machine Setup Time

• Improving Machine Reliability – Implement Preventive Maintenance

• Maximizing Optimal Run Rates and Capacity

• Eliminating Down Time – Provide Down Time Reason Codes

Putting this tool in place to address these concerns and improve the manufacturing process can be very time consuming and costly. DataVisor Marquees has designed a system called the Production Marquee to help with this process. The Production Marquee allows the whole plant to be involved in the process of improving OEE. From the machine operator to the production manager to the plant manager, this production monitoring solution visualizes information that can help everyone recommend solutions. The bottom line for all employees should be to reduce production losses and build profitable products. The Production Marquee provides production managers and machine operators with the necessary real time information to make crucial decisions about the effectiveness of the production process.

Machine operators get a first hand look at the production process and the key information of the machine by viewing the data on the Production Marquee.
Instead of manually recording this data for end of shift results, the machine operator can monitor, analyze, and improve their process in real time throughout the day. A truly comprehensive OEE solution will provide machine operators and production managers with continual line notification and control so that actions can be taken to prevent events that can result in downtime, slower cycle speeds, and poor product quality. This system should also provide a way for operators to capture codes or
comments about the production process to review and analyze later during root cause analysis meetings. The Production Marquee provides all these features to help implement a Simple OEE solution. Knowledge is imperative for survival in this global economy. Measuring the efficiencies of your machine operators and equipment can yield significant results for your company. Get to know what motivates your team and the efficiency metrics of other companies within your industry. Compare your production data to World Class OEE and see if implementing this Simple OEE tool can achieve and maintain better results with your machine productivity. We call it Simple OEE because of the design of the self contained Production Marquee. With no software to install and the data source formulas programmed into the marquee, all you have to do is select the functionality of the application from drop down menus. You provide the inputs, select the data sources and the Production Marquee will take care of the rest.
It’s that simple. Simple OEE. DataVisor Marquees invites you to take the time to read this guide to understand Simple OEE and how to implement this tool in your facility. After reading our “Complete Guide to Simple OEE” you will have a better understanding of Simple OEE and how we can help you visualize, monitor, and collect OEE data in your plant with the Production Marquee.

Licencja: Creative Commons
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