In arranging our apartments we look for interesting solutions, which will make our interiors trendy and stylish. Recently wallpaper murals, also known as wall murals, fashionable in the 70s are returning to favour.

Data dodania: 2013-01-09

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Licencja: Creative Commons

Today, due to the possibilities afforded by new technologies and the wide choice available they have become an original addition to our interiors. Your house will become original interior design with wallpaper murals.

Wall murals can adorn the walls in our living room, bathroom or corridor. We can select from amongst thousands of different motifs, designs, illustrations and photographs. An additional original addition is the fact that we can use our own wedding, holiday or favourite landscape photograph. The possibilities are practically unlimited due to which our interiors will assume an individual character. Modern wallpaper murals are printed on high quality latex, vinyl or paper base. Additionally in order to protect the wall mural they are laminated and thus resistant to humidity and high temperatures. Laminated or glass protected wallpaper murals may also be hung in the kitchen or bathroom instead of traditional tiles.

The modern wall mural does not have to be on a wall. Self-adhesive wallpaper murals are ideal to put new life into furniture, doors or glass. Also our fridge or other home appliances do not have to remain drab, we can easily attach magnetic wall murals or stickers to them, which can easily be removed or changed at a later date.

In choosing a wall mural, its motif, colour and size, we must remember to match it to the given interior. Correctly chosen wallpaper mural has the ability to enlighten, enlarge or bring life to every interior. One thing is certain, a wall mural can change our apartment in a simple and effective manner.

Licencja: Creative Commons
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