You have finished whole recruitment process and end up with two equally good candidates. Considering that you could have no good candidates to choose from, having two excellent options to look at is always better than having zero. Nonetheless, you still have to choose. So how to pick the best option for your team as well as company?

Data dodania: 2019-03-22

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Licencja: Creative Commons

Diamond in the rough - picking the best candidate and why it's so hard

Think about your needs

When choosing between two candidates, it’s important you understand exactly what you need and expect from the employee. Consider both the immediate and the long-term expectations. Will one prospect better fulfill an immediate need, but perhaps lack in skills as the business grows? On the other hand, maybe one candidate has excellent leadership skills, but the position requires someone who can follow instructions independently.

Who suits your company best

This is perhaps one of the most important consideration to make in any hiring situation, not just when choosing between two great candidates. However, it’s almost always overlooked. Taking the time to consider which candidate will fit into the office culture will ensure that whomever is hired fits with the rest of the workforce and its energy.

Introducing tech talent to the immediate team before hiring will give the rest of your employees a chance to feel out the potential hires and see if they will be valuable asset for the team. If the current employees feel one will fit better than the other, this actually is a valuable piece of information to have when it comes to deciding on a job candidate. Hiring someone who understands the business, understands its mission, and meshes well with the rest of the office will benefit your company in the long run.

Right questions are the key to success

While it’s sometimes tough, asking the right situational questions can lead you in the right direction when it comes to identifying a good job candidate. Some questions to consider: how they handle stress, how they work as part of a team, and when they get nervous. Understand how this person will react in a variety of real-life situations and how they have handled such situations before.

In addition, request real-life examples of situations they thought they handled successfully. Ask them to open up about situations that left them feeling defeated at work. Perhaps there have been situations they felt defined their careers and inspired them. These questions will help you gain insights as to the type of people, and employees, your candidates are, and how they will benefit your business.

Test the Enthusiasm                     

Who do you think wants it more? It’s likely that you will want to hire the person who shows the most enthusiasm and excitement about the position, as they will ultimately bring a positive energy and passion to the table. If both job candidates are excited about the position, who do you think will keep that energy when the job gets tough?

Licencja: Creative Commons
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