Aby uniknąć zakłopotania, błędnego zrozunienia, komunikując się po angielsku musimy poznać jak brytyjczycy rozumieją proste, wydawałoby się, frazy. Nikt z nas nie chce się czuć obrażany i poniżany. Wszyscy natomiast chcą być dobrze zrozumianymi. Koniecznie musisz się z tym zapoznać!

Data dodania: 2012-01-17

Wyświetleń: 2155

Przedrukowań: 0

Głosy dodatnie: 0

Głosy ujemne: 0


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Licencja: Creative Commons

British people are known for being very polite when speaking and expressing themselves. However, those who learn English and come from societies that use a more 'direct' way of communicating can misunderstand the message being transmitted.
The following is a list of 15 biggest misunderstandings (includes humour) that explains what a British person says, what they mean and what others understand from such expressions.

What the British say What the British mean What others understand
I hear what you say       
I disagree and do not want to discuss it further He accepts my point of view
With the greatest respect...      
I think you are an idiot He is listening to me
That's not bad      
That's good That's poor
That is a very brave proposal   
You are insane  
He thinks I have courage
Quite good       
A bit disappointing Quite good
I would suggest...      
Do it or be prepared to justify yourself Think about the idea, but do what you like
Oh, incidentally / by the way       
The primary purpose of our discussion is... That is not very important
I was a bit disappointed that      
I am annoyed that
It doesn't really matter
Very interesting       
That is clearly nonsense They are impressed
I'll bear it in mind    I've forgotten it already   
They will probably do it
I'm sure it's my fault  
It's your fault   
Why do they think it was their fault?
You must come for dinner   
It's not an invitation, I'm just being polite   
I will get an invitation soon
I almost agree  
I don't agree at all   
He's not far from agreement
I only have a few minor comments   
Please re-write completely   
He has found a few typos
Could we consider some other options   

I don't like your idea

They have not yet decided
Licencja: Creative Commons
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