In modern world, demand for programming specialist is especially high at the moment, and there are no indications that this state will be changing soon. That means, that planning to start work as a developer is still a good and really profitable idea. But what are the most desirable programming languages at the job market at the moment?

Data dodania: 2019-03-21

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Top in demand coding languages globally


Nearly one-third of all programming job offers are in regards to Java developers. Used by the millions all over the world is our proud number one. One of the reason of Java popularity is that Android runs on it. And since it’s the most popular mobile OS, there are always free openings. Developers who know Java are often employed as software engineers, software architects, and DevOps engineers.


This coding language is used by nearly all of the websites along the internet. It’s used do generate dynamic logic of the pages and is key component of the most popular frameworks like React or Angular JS. What’s more Javascript will be increasingly used to power services created around Internet of Things idea. So it’s highly unlikely, that Javascript’s popularity will be dropping down anytime soon. The most popular jobs for JS developers are web development, front end and full-stack development.


One of the older programming languages. Created in 1990 is one of the primary tools of creating standard for web pages. It’s a foundation of our modern world wide web, and because of its simplicity its well know by the IT people. Nowadays it’s supported by CSS language.


It is said that almost 20% of all IT jobs at the market are required the candidates to know Python. This is language used in scientific computing, data mining and machine learning. Many would said that’s it’s one of the fastest-growing programming languages at the moment. One of the biggest advantages of this language is that’s easy to start with. It’s used most commonly by data analysts, data engineers and software engineers.


C# is an object-oriented language from Microsoft, designed to run on the .NET platform, that is also used in video game development and building desktop applications. It is well-documented, relatively easy to learn, and features many useful software libraries for developers to access, Heath noted. Typical jobs for C# developers include full-stack developer, .NET developer, and web developer.


This shortcut stands for eXtensible Markup Language and it’s really similar to HTML language. It’s a self-descriptive language, that’s designed to transport data. It’s standard language recommended by W3C.

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