The text is about my town which is situated in Mazovia region. It is a beautiful city and its view is magnificient. Plock was the capital of Poland. I would like to present this city from the view of the person who is living now in this beautiful city , one of the most regarded places in Poland known for summer festivals.

Data dodania: 2009-10-16

Wyświetleń: 3991

Przedrukowań: 0

Głosy dodatnie: 2

Głosy ujemne: 0


2 Ocena

Licencja: Creative Commons

Płock is situated on a hill which is a beautiful when you look at the hill particularly at night. Płock was the capital of Polandduring middle ages when Władysław Herman and Bolesław Krzywousty were rulers until 1138 when Bolesław Krzywousty wrote his will in which he divided Poland into districts which existed until Władyslaw Łokietek united Poland in 1320. Płock is known for its beautiful buildings as the Cathedral , the Castle, the Session Museum or other buildings.

The Cathedral is regarded as one of the most famous places in Poland where there are tombs of Polish dukes , which are made of black marble. In the cathedral you can see the door where there are decorations and scenes from the Bible or Polish history. Opposite the cathedral there is the castle which is founded in the Middle Ages. Now it is regarded as the church museum where there are sacral objects as cups or paintings. In Płock in Tumska you can the Secession Museum which is a very beautiful place where you can see objects from the end of th 19 th century or 20 th century. You can admire paitings of Wyspiański, Much or Mehoffer known as the best artist of end of the century called as Fien de Siecle. I think it is a wonderful place which is very unique in Poland. You can watch the whole flat as : the dining room , the living room , the study , the kitchen , the bathroom and you feel as a person who is in the flat of the person from the end of the century. Apart the Secession Museum you can also see Małachowianka , the oldest school in Poland which was founded in the Middle Ages.

I can recommend Płock as a place of the visit for tourists from Poland and abroad.

Licencja: Creative Commons
2 Ocena