Are you a small entrepreneur running an online store? If so, you probably take care of staying in touch with your customer, no matter at what stage of the buyer’s journey he or she is.

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Do you run an online store? See how responsive HTML5 banner ads can boost your business

 One of the successful method not to let your customers forget about you, or – even better – to attract more clients, is displaying online banners on the net. Check out what are responsive HTML5 banner ads and how they can boost your business.

Why to choose HTML5 banners?

Of course, you can create online banners in different technologies, such as GIF or Flash. However, it is HTML5 that stands out from all of them. Why is that? Well, HTML5 banner ads display well in all the browsers so viewers don’t have to install any software on their computers to see the content. What’s more, thanks to HTML5 language, you are able to create so-called rich media – responsive banners including advanced features such as videos, interactions, audio, and other elements that engage the ad’s addresses.

How to use HTML5 banner ads for your business?

You can use HTML5 banner ads to promote your online store among your target group, which means your potential clients. Think of using so-called dynamic banners instead of the static ones. Static banners can be personalized based on localization or other information about Internet users that you have, for example – websites they visit. Dynamic banners are believed to be 4 times more effective, thanks to the fact that they are created in real time and based on additional data draw from your product feed (actual prices, discounts, etc.).

Let’s suppose that you sell high heels. Using dynamic banners you could display HTML5 banner ads to those users who are visiting other websites selling high heels, including to your ad also a current possible discount. HTML5 features can also help you attract new clients even more. For example, your ad may be a game about matching the high heels to the displayed stylization.

What about those clients who abandoned your page?

It’s said that around 98% of all your users leave your online store without buying. Thanks to files called cookies, you can track users who abandoned your website, and while they are surfing the net, display them your HTML5 banner ads. In such case, we say about so-called remarketing banners. Their aim is to make users come back to your e-commerce and make a purchase. Cookies give you information about the stage of buyer’s journey at which your users left the page. If a user abandoned your website at the cart stage, you can display him or her an HTML banner ad showing the discount for the specific product that this user resigned from.

If you enjoyed the above-mentioned ideas on attracting you current and potential clients, try to make HTML5 banner ads yourself. There are online banners’ creators available on the Internet, for example at Bannersnack’s official website. Good luck!

Licencja: Creative Commons
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