Do you wonder if you should update your WordPress website? Yes, you should. The upgrade not only secures your site from hackers attacks, but also provides your page with new, improved features.

Data dodania: 2018-06-26

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Licencja: Creative Commons

3 things you should know before you do the WordPress update

 Check out why is the WordPress update needed and how to minimize the risk of WordPress errors appearing as a result of the upgrade.

Why do you need the WordPress update?

The WordPress works as an open source software. It means that developers, users, and hackers around the globe are constantly studying this platform’s source code. And, while developers and users are improving it, hackers are looking for any security gaps and WordPress errors. Why? Well, they could use them to attack pages built in WordPress technology.

WordPress itself makes it even easier for hackers every time a new upgrade is released. As each new version is documented in an official report, hackers can have a look at it, and take an information about security errors of the old WordPress version. Based on this, they identify not updated websites, and simply break into them.

As you see, updating WordPress helps you minimize the risk of being attacked by hackers. But as users and developers are constantly working on improving the WordPress source code, its upgrades are also a guarantee of nice new features on your site. A faster way of installing plugins or a faster page loading are examples of such improvements.

The WordPress update error occurred. What to do?

The WordPress by default does the upgrade automatically. After the successful process, you just receive an e-mail with the confirmation. However, it may happen that a WordPress update error occurs. Possibly, your server is to slow or there is a faulty plugin in your page’s files. No matter the reason for the automatic WordPress update error, you have to do the upgrade manually. Don’t fret, as the process is really easy. Check out the tutorial on how to upgrade your page manually:

WordPress update error – the tutorial on a manual WordPress update.   

How to guard your page against WordPress update errors?

If you do the manual upgrade of your page, remember about some of the best practices for this process. They will save your site from other frustrating WordPress errors. The white screen of death is an example of a bug that may appear on your page when plugins are not compatible with the latest version of WordPress. So, planning the upgrade, remember to:

  • do the WordPress update when there is a small traffic on your page,
  • update all plugins and themes before you install the new version of a software,
  • do the backup of your page before you do the upgrade,
  • do all upgrades step by step, installing all versions one after another.
Licencja: Creative Commons
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