In the double bin kanban system, the consumer (downstream process) takes his supplies from the first bin until it gets empty(= order point reached). The empty bin is returned to supplier while consume goes on by supplying from second bin.
In the double bin kanban system, the consumer (downstream process) takes his supplies from the first bin until it gets empty(= order point reached). The empty bin is returned to supplier while consume goes on by supplying from second bin.
The 5S’s are lean concepts derived from the Japanese words: seiri (sort), seiton (set in order), seiso (shine or purity), seiketsu (standardize), and shitsuke (sustain) (Hirano, 1996).
Improve quality, housekeeping, production control, safety, material flow, performance management and productivity using kanban, FIFO queues, signs, color-codes, labels and visual devices such as Andon boards.