What is SSL certificate?
SSL stands for the English words Secure Socket Layer, and appeared in 1994 thanks to Netscape. SSL certificate fully protects the data sent from the browser (user) to the server (your website). How does SSL work? It encrypts all data sent to the server with an AES key (for example 256-bit). So, even if the hacker intercepts traffic on your page, it will not be possible to break the algorithm and capture personal information. It means that data that the user leaves on your site, for example credit card details, is secret and encrypted.
How to recognize if the site is secure?
It is important for your users to feel safe on your website. SSL certificate will assure them that your page is credible. How can your users recognize that using your site is secure?
The SSL certificate is visible in the address bar via the HTTPS protocol.
There is a padlock icon next to the address.
The address bar is all marked in green (this type of SSL certificate means the highest level of security).
Who should add SSL certificate to the website?
All the websites that use or process personal data should have the SSL certificate. This applies in particular to institutions, such as:
- banks,
- online shops,
- digital health centers,
- postal applications,
- offices, e.g. city office,
- universities, etc.
Institutions listed above often store sensitive information about their websites’ users, e.g. credit card details or applications details. Also web portals where users create and run their profiles should install SSL certificate.
What kind of SSL certificate to choose?
There are three types of SSL certificates:
Domain Validation (DV) – secures the transmission of data within the domain and confirms its authenticity. It is a good choice for small online stores, as well as owners of blogs and small Internet forums (websites to which they log in using the browser).
Organization Validation (OV) – provides you with a higher level of protection than DV. It is optimal for larger online stores or websites that get from users data, such as name, address, telephone number. It works well for the hotel business or public administration sites.
Extended Validation (EV) – provides the highest level of protection. When sending a data, it displays a green address bar. It is good to use it for online banking and online payments.
Remember that you can buy the SSL certificate you need. Some security certificates operate only within one domain, while others may include your subdomains.
How to install SSL certificate on your website?
Reputable Certification Authorities issue SSL certificates. After making a purchase, you will get an e-mail with all information, such as SSL certificate, and, alternatively, also private key and intermediate certificates. Enter the virtual server's administration panel, load the files downloaded from the e-mail, and install them on the server. If you have a problem installing the certificate or after installation any SSL certificate error or HTTPS error occurs, contact the support of the certificate provider.