A user-friendly website is one that makes the use of the page so intuitive for the user that it is almost unnoticeable.
A user-friendly website is one that makes the use of the page so intuitive for the user that it is almost unnoticeable.
The principle of communication in project management is simple. A good communication contributes to the success of the project, and a bad one – to its failure.
You have certainly heard about the need for SSL implementation on your site. This is not only a concern for the safety of your users. It is also a nod to Google and GDPR guidelines.
Jeśli masz postawioną stronę na WordPressie, zadbaj o jej dodatkowe funkcjonalności!
Mailing to potężne narzędzie marketingu internetowego. Jednak aby był skuteczny, musi być tworzony z zachowaniem określonych standardów i zasad.